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[Strong] Kenwood DTF 200


Aanbevolen berichten

Een kollega van mij heeft een kenwood dtf 200 goldbox .

Ik heb het nog niet gezien maar het lijkt op een strong.

Weet iemand als ik het kan patchen zoals ik het doe met mijn strongetje?

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lijkt er inderdaad op hé
in italie (toch?) word de strong ook weleens "goldbox" genoemd

gewoon proberen zou ik zeggen
als ze niet hetzelfde zijn merk je dat snel genoeg met de loader..die zal dan geen communicatie aangaan

niet alleen in italie hoor

[color:"blue"] Spirit_rules [/color]



Open Firmwarmware Multi taal_171005_0430


Member van het Openfirmware Team

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Deze is niet hetzelfde als de strong,op poolse sites lees je wel eens wat over de kenwood.

Er is ook firmware voor deze types geschreven,volgens mij zijn deze alleen te proggen met een j-tag.

Er is ook de dtf 100 uitgebracht.

Je moet maar eens bij djfusch kijken,word wel moeilijk is namelijk een poolse site.


Dreambox 7020 HD 160 gig hdd,visiosat bisat met drie twin lnb,s

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hoi hier een beschrijving hoe je de kenwood moet proggen, is wel in het engels.

This description is for both DTF-1 and DTF-2:


1. Download KenWriter from Kentech.

2. Run KenWriter and go to Configuration page. Set the number of COM port you'll be using and tick Open port at startup.

3. Close KenWriter.

4. Connect your Ken (powered off) to comp (it should be powered off too, because sometimes electrostatic charges can damage port in receiver or comp) through cables (COM and LPT, both 1-1).

5. Turn on comp (if it was powered off during connecting cables) and after loading win disable all tasks except Explorer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.

6. Run KenWriter. Correctly open port COMx (where x is the number of using COM port) text should appear. If no - there is something wrong with port you're using (it can be in use by other device).

7. Go to Firmware section and then click on the file-open icon (sheet with arrow). Open file with firmware content (size 2MB). If after that the information about wrong size of file appear, don't click Yes in any case! - click on No and choose the correct file containing firmware, that has size of 2MB (this protects from making mistake while opening firmware file, for example when you accidently open file with channel list or eeprom or any other file).

8. Now turn on your Ken and when the hour appear on display, push one of the arrows on it's panel. KenWriter will ask if you're sure to write firmware and if you click Yes, the process will start. A new window responsible for communicating through LPT port will appear - you mustn't close it! Writing will take about 1 minute and you have to wait until the writing window close. Now scroll down logs in KenWriter and look if there is C246,0 text at the bottom - if yes writing firmware was successful and now you can write channel list.

9. Go to Flash section and then click on the file-open icon (sheet with arrow). Open file with channel list content (size 512KB). If after that the information about wrong size of file appear, don't click Yes in any case! - click on No and choose the correct file containing channel list, that has size of 512KB (this protects from making mistake while opening channel list file, for example when you accidently open file with firmware or eeprom or any other file).

10. Now click on the writing icon (chip with arrow). KenWriter will ask if you're sure to write channel list (Flash) and if you click Yes the process will start. A new window responsible for communicating through LPT port will appear - you mustn't close it! Writing will take about 20 seconds and you have to wait until the writing window close. Now scroll down logs in KenWriter and look if there is C042,0 text at the bottom - if yes writing channel list was successful and now you can write eeprom.

11. Go to Eeprom section and then on the file-open icon (sheet with arrow). Open file with eeprom content (size 4KB). If after that the information about wrong size of file appear, don't click Yes in any case! - click on No and choose the correct file containing eeprom, that has size of 4KB (this protects from making mistake while opening eeprom file, for example when you accidently open file with firmware or channel list or any other file).

12. Now click on the writing icon (chip with arrow). KenWriter will ask if you're sure to write eeprom and if you click Yes the process will start. A new window responsible for communicating through LPT port will appear - you mustn't close it! Writing will take a few seconds and you have to wait until the writing window close. Now scroll down logs in KenWriter and look if there is C043,0 text at the bottom - if yes writing eeprom was successful and your Ken is now ready.

13. Power off Ken and comp.

14. Disconnect Ken from comp.


WARNING! Remember to check if the software you are trying to write is for sure for your model of Ken. Writing software for different model will cause damage of your receiver.


KenWriter works only on Win95/98/Me and doesn't work on WinNT/XP/2000! If you have one of these systems on which KenWriter doesn't work, the best you can do is to make a new partition and install Win98SE on it. You'll be using this system only for programming your Ken.


gr. Arno

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