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Gemini Image 2.40 var fix:


Aanbevolen berichten

Gemini Team heeft een Nieuwe Image ivm het Var probleem uitgebracht.


Ook te Downloaden op mijn Home Forum <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> - ( ihad ligt er weer uit )



Gemini Image 2.40 var fix:


Based on DMM 1.09.1


Technical Information:

Enigma of 19.10.2005

gcc 3.4.4 Original CVS

Web Interface: 5.3.0-Expert


BLUE Button - Blue Panel

2x Blue Button - Set boot/mode Pictures via BluePanel

YELLOW Button - Quick-Button (can be assigned via Blue Panel)

AUDIO Button - Sound track choice

TEXT Button - Video Text

RED Button - EPG List for current channel

2x RED Button - EPG Style Menu

GREEN BUTTON - Subservices







* AutoCam: Assign Emus to channels/provider

* CamName: renaming of Emus

* Multichannel-Patch switchable via Cam-Settings



* OSD: EMM- and ECM- Display

* Epg-cache: Saves EPG-Data on HDD or USB-Stick

* permanent clock on OSD (may be assigned to Quick-Button)



* Additional Features available via Internet from Gemini-Server with auto installation

* DreamInfo: many additional Information of your Box (i.e. HDD-Temperature or all Enigma-Settings)

* MP3: Random - Feature

* Gemini-News will be loaded in a background process

* JPEGs may be rotated and EXIF-Tags can be shown

* Support for OGG/Vorbis

* Random - Function for MP3 and OGG



* smbmount

* Support for CDROM/DVD, no matter if IDE or USB (not for 5620 or 500)



* Record CIFS: Record to a HDD mounted with CIFS (will only work, if no HDD is inside the Box)

* Record NFS: Record to a HDD mounted with NFS (will only work, if no HDD is inside the Box)


Setting Features:

* Extra Menu: Settings for lots of Extras like Inadyn, HTTPD, EPG-Cache, Swap out VAR and many more

* Backup-function

* Quick-Button: Freeze Image or zap to a predefined channel


NFS/CIFS is only available in Timer-menu, if mounted successfully. There is a size-check available. If the capacity is more than 3GB (NFS/CIFS Mount) and /mnt/hdd is bigger than 3GB, it will be shown in the Timer-Menu (this works only without internal HDD!)

Please mount PC-HDD always to /mnt/hdd



* lzma_patch

* Entire Blue Panel is outsourced

* Record SMBFS: Recording to a HDD mounted with Samba on a PC

* Dreamnetcast: Extended with Shoutkast TOP(100)

* Infobar: Settings expanded

* Background-Pictures: for Radio, MP3 and SCAN can now be chosen via Blue-Panel.

* Backup Creation: personal Blue-Panel addons can be saved

* Backup Rebuilding: personal Blue Panel addons-Settings can be rebuilt


We wish to thank all people, that supported us on the recommendation-Thread for the Gemini-Image.

Unfortunately lots of things are not possible from our side.



Interface WebIF:


NO = Number of CAM


This Image does NOT contain any K**s, Cams or Plugins!

Own Addon-Server available via Internet.


Ab sofort in der Database ---> Dreambox - Images 7000 ---> The Gemini Project



Please use a Flash-Image which is up-to-date, for example CVS-Image from 14.10.2005 or later!


Furthermore we remonned you to use a Swapfile with the size of about 8-16MB in order to avoid Memory-Problems.


One Request: Please DON'T post just 'Thank you' but use our 'James' instead. Just click on it!!!


If you notice any errors, please make sure that it has something to do with the new image. The image is NOT responsible for some channels that won't get decrypted and such things should not be posted in this Thread!


You also shouldn't post questions in this Thread on how to install addons and so on. We have special categories here for that purpose. Please pay attention to our Board rules...


Last but not least, we dissociate from any kind of modifications and backup images! Original Gemini always come without any Emus, Keys or other Addons preinstalled. Backup-images and modifications are not of our origin and won't be supported by us!!!


Thanks a lot and have fun!


Your Gemini-Team





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Thanks ik ga hem gelijk even halen.


Ik kreeg de melding:


Your access to the file has been denied.

Hotlinking is not allowed.

Access the file through the normal way, that is from the board itself.

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Dus haal ik hem wel even van ihad zelf.

Wie niet slim is ..... moet wat langer nadenken.

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ik krijg hem niet erin, zelfs niet met geweld.......

ik heb de hele usb geformateerd en de nieuwe flashwizard pro gebruikt.

bij beide imgs (dus met en zonder var fix) krijg ik bij istallatie bij 2% een foutmelding......

iemand een idee?

Bij de hdd installatie krijg ik ook een foutmelding.

ik de flash heb ik de beta 1.09-1d <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />

Vu duo2 met pli

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Als je de Image op USB wil zetten , moet je een Image in Flash hebben die voorzien is van de Lzma patch .

Anders gaat het niet .

Oa ruDREAM Final is zo`n Image en de laatste Boxman


En als je FlashWizard Pro gebruik , neem dan FWZ 6 rc-1

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Waarom Flashwizard 6.0? Ik heb dit gedaan en het werkte maar niet goed. Toen maar weer de Flashwizard 5.0 gebruijt en nu heb ik alles weer werkend. Misschien dat het niet aan flashwizard ligt maar 5.0 werkt ook nog prima. Wel even het vinkje weghalen zodat iet ook de configuratie van de draaiende image wordt meegenomen.


*** VU+ DUO (500Gb HD) + DM600PVR (160Gb HD), 95 cm met 4 lnb's ***

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Hier ook problemen gehad met update via manual software update (root.cramfs settings/expert menu). Dreambox blijft hangen bij laden van logo.


Ga vandaag met dreamup alles weer werkend te krijgen hoop ik....



Tnx laRAZA <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />


Dreambox 800-HD

VisioSat Quatro LNB's (Astra 1/ Astra 2 / Astra 3 /HotBird (HB))

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