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[Info] Info new Vuplus Community .


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Vanaf morgen een nieuwe website voor VUplus



Welcome to the new Community Vuplus.


In establishing this new board we decided to head back to the future leaving the excellent but now dated conceptually vBulletin forum to switch to the new and advanced XenForo.


This new board is still in beta but is currently equipped with advanced features based on a system of real-time alerts and rss-news personal allowing us to follow in real time what happens in the forum.

You can follow your friends and favorite members and see what they are doing or who has just quote or given an answer or allocated a "like" to one of your posts.


With XenForo is also easy to insert youtube videos or pictures in to your post (you can 'for example, use the drag & drop) of an image editor.


We chose this board and betting its future on the belief that the instrument is currently the most advanced live online community.


The user titles in this board are assigned depending by a Trophy points system based on number of posts and received "like".


Here is the user title spec:

- Vu+ Newbie (0 points)

- Vu+ User (10 points)

- Vu+ User+++ (100 points)

- Vu+ Expert (500 points)

- Vu+ Guru (1000 points)


So you should just sign up and spend 5 minutes to place your avatar, maybe a picture of yourself and all the information you want in the profile so as to exploit the potential of the board.


Please read carefully Terms of service before to start to post:



The board will be officially opened tomorrow october 28 2010

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Het forum is officieel geopend door VU (

en VuPlus Community team.


Introducing New VuPlus Community Site

Dear Vu+ People,

A new community site for Vu+ is launched.

You can find the site following the link below.

This community has beautiful design and helpful layout.

Please take a look at the site.

Vu+ team believes that these kind of spontaneous activity will be priceless asset for Vu+ users.

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Origineel bericht van: Miro
Het forum is officieel geopend door VU (
en VuPlus Community team.

Introducing New VuPlus Community Site
Dear Vu+ People,
A new community site for Vu+ is launched.
You can find the site following the link below.
This community has beautiful design and helpful layout.
Please take a look at the site.
Vu+ team believes that these kind of spontaneous activity will be priceless asset for Vu+ users.

alleen staat nergens dat dit het nieuwe officiele vu forum is
alleen een aankondiging dat er een nieuw forum voor de vu is

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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Ik kon dit idd rond een uurtje of 12 vanmiddag ook al.


Vraag me af of dit alweer het zoveelste forum wordt, maar goed we zullen zien.

VU+ Duo - 2x sat - 1x DVB-T (Terratec Tstick RC)

Triax TDS110 19,2/23,5/28,2/13,0 - Triax TDS88 met moteck sg2100 rotor.

2 x DM500 - Nabilo

NSLU2 met CCcam 2.1.4 server

Samsung UE40B7000 (LED)


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Origineel bericht van: EtienneM
Ik kon dit idd rond een uurtje of 12 vanmiddag ook al.

Vraag me af of dit alweer het zoveelste forum wordt, maar goed we zullen zien.

ja, het is niet het nieuwe officieele forum, maar een nieuwe hobbysite...

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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