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Black Hole 1.6.2


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Black Hole VuDuo 1.6.2 Beta Dolby Digital Plus & Subtitles Fix





This image is for Spanish and French friends that was waiting Dolby Digital Plus support

This image is for all users that have requested subtitles fix too.



About subtitles fix BH team have choosen a soft fix to this well known problem that don't need additional options and skins modifications in the way to be compatible with all the current BH skins and configurations.



Warning this image is only a beta version for DDP & Subtitles purposes.

The 1.6.2 definitve version will follow soon.

Please test and report.



New: Support Ac3/Dolby Digital Plus

New Update VU+ drivers 20110526




- Fix 1080p24 video problem

- Support DDP

- Use beta folder as pre-release uri for the experimental drivers of duo/solo


Gr Miro

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