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[7025S] Elektro Power Save 2.0 by gutemine (plugin)

Ome Merde

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Elektro Power Save 2.0 by


1) Prerequisites



Any Image should work, but the

is replaced, so be aware that this could cause

Troubles !


But original is now saved,

so ipkg remove will bring back the original state.


Power Save should be compatible to the Sleeptimers

available, but don't take this for sure !


2) Installation



First copy the elektro*.ipk file from elektro*.zip

to /tmp with ftp (TCP/IP must be working already).


If you have flashed an image that offer in Blue

Pannel Manual Addon Install you can use this

functionality to install the ipk file.


If not, then install Elektro by entering the

following commands in a Telnet session:


cd /

ipkg install /tmp/elektro*.ipk


The ipkg install will also restart enigma for

you to get the Elektro Plugin shown in addons

menu. If it doesn't show up try to reboot



3) Usage



In the addons menu of Elektro you can specifiy

the Time at which the box should go into

Deepstandby and the time when it should wakeup.


Currently only full hours are supported and the

default suggested time is 23h for Deepstandby

and 7h for wakeup.


Be aware that if you enable the Standby on

boot feature with Elektro, that after

wakeup/boot the box will go to Standby

- short Press of the Power Button 2x will

get it fully awake.


The Elektro Power save should be able to

handle that the box awakes properly if there

is a timer planned during the Power Save Time

(this is the reason why

is patched).


When you plan Timers during the Powersave

time don't forget to plan them with Standby

after Recording, or Dreambox will stay online.


If there is a timers/recording running when

Sleeptime occures the Elektro Plugin will do

a normal Standby instead of Deepstandby

to prevent harming the recording.


After this recording is finished NO delayed

Deepstandby will occure, unless you have

planned your timer with Deepstandby when




Have Fun to let Elektro Save Power and the

Environment with your Dreambox 7025 !!!!



download, zie bijlage ...




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