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Nieuwe pirate kaart zou D+ Nagra openen


Aanbevolen berichten

With the new JipaaCard you can easy decrypt:


ART Variety/Europe, ART Children/Tarab, ART Movies, ART Movies 2, Nile Drama, LBC Europe, Algerian TV ,MBC, ART Hekavat, Future TV & Eurosport Int. and all German TV.


including RTL 9, AB 1, AB 3, AB 4, AB Moteurs, Animaux, Chasse & Pêche, Musique Classique, Escales, Toute l'Histoire, NT1, Action, Mangas, Encyclopedia, XXL, Zik, France 5, France ô, LCP, Tishk TV, TMC, Ciné Polar, Ciné FX, Videoclick, Dorcel TV, Walf TV, France 2, France 3& France 4 Al Jazeera, new D+ Nagra3



BRON: Jipaa

* VU+ Duo 2 sat/kabel - Amiko A3 combo - Coolstream Trinity - Dreambox 800 HD SE - Xsarius Fusion HD SE - Mag254 iptv *

* LG 65inch smart 3D tv - Playstation 4 *

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