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Carnaval in Nederland

Crazy Sat

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1.0°W 11480,V,6666 NLUSS HOL51-1 (Tadiran Scopus) 4:2:2



feedhunting , a crazy hobby !


Edison OS mio 4K UHD + Octagon SF8008 4K UHD + Dr.HD F15 + Edison OS mini + Technomate TM-5402 HD M3 CI   , Moteck SG2100 + Deltastar 90 cm + Invacom C120 QDF-031 Quad lnb + SkyStar HD2,TBS5927 , en TT-budget S2-1600 kaart. Channel Master 180 cm schotel + ESX241 lnb voor C-band.

DVB-T2 via Oostvleteren,Egem,Mont des Cats,Bouvigny en Doornik.

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7.0°E 11132,V,3124 Hawkeye media (Hawkeye Media) 4:2:0


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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7.0°E 11132,V,3124 Hawkeye media (Hawkeye Media) 4:2:0

in Roozendaal


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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11.0°W 11152,H,3213 8PSK Hol173 ENG COMPANY (Hol173 ENG COMPANY) 4:2:0


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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11.0°W 11151,H,3213 Hol173 ENG COMPANY (Hol173 ENG COMPANY) 4:2:0


Ad in Maastricht Rini ?





feedhunting , a crazy hobby !


Edison OS mio 4K UHD + Octagon SF8008 4K UHD + Dr.HD F15 + Edison OS mini + Technomate TM-5402 HD M3 CI   , Moteck SG2100 + Deltastar 90 cm + Invacom C120 QDF-031 Quad lnb + SkyStar HD2,TBS5927 , en TT-budget S2-1600 kaart. Channel Master 180 cm schotel + ESX241 lnb voor C-band.

DVB-T2 via Oostvleteren,Egem,Mont des Cats,Bouvigny en Doornik.

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ik weet niet of het Maastricht is?

zijn andere wagen stond bij een sportwedstrijd zie de posting


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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11.0°W 11191,H,4283 HOL-172 ENG Company (HOL-172 ENG Company) 4:2:0


tip Stanley


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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11.0°W 11191,H,4283 HOL-172 ENG Company (HOL-172 ENG Company) 4:2:0


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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11.0°W 11191,H,4283 HOL-172 ENG Company (HOL-172 ENG Company) 4:2:0


aangepast door Feedhunter Rini

I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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Carnaval in Tilburg : Eucharistieviering in kerk


10.0°E 11159,H,3254 Hawkeye media (Hawkeye Media) 4:2:0




feedhunting , a crazy hobby !


Edison OS mio 4K UHD + Octagon SF8008 4K UHD + Dr.HD F15 + Edison OS mini + Technomate TM-5402 HD M3 CI   , Moteck SG2100 + Deltastar 90 cm + Invacom C120 QDF-031 Quad lnb + SkyStar HD2,TBS5927 , en TT-budget S2-1600 kaart. Channel Master 180 cm schotel + ESX241 lnb voor C-band.

DVB-T2 via Oostvleteren,Egem,Mont des Cats,Bouvigny en Doornik.

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10.0°E 11159,H,3255 Hawkeye media (Hawkeye Media) 4:2:0



I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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