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Dit persbericht kwam ik tegen in een van mijn groepjes:<P>"Counterfeiter Convicted in Private <BR>Prosecution<P>Irdeto Access action sends message to other counterfeiters<P>LONDON, 5 June 2001 – Content protection and management company Irdeto Access today announced the end of a 6-month process to prosecute a counterfeiter selling fake pay-TV smart cards over the Internet. <P>David Mainwaring was convicted at Oxford Crown Court of selling an unauthorised Irdeto Access smart card, in breach of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, amended by the Conditional Access (Unauthorised Decoder) Regulations 2000. He was also found guilty of advertising the sale of illegal cards on an Internet website and of committing an offence under Section 1 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 for supplying a smart card which was purportedly manufactured or approved by Irdeto Access, when in fact its origin was not known. Mr. Mainwaring was fined £500 with 14 days imprisonment if he defaults in payment of any of the instalments.<P>“This conviction sends a strong message to counterfeiters everywhere that we take content protection seriously and will not tolerate any form of content theft without serious legal action,” said Irdeto Access CEO Graham Kill. “Our determination to protect content for those who pay for it is a large part of our business foundation, and this case’s result is a significant win for us as well as our customers who depend on us to protect their content.”<P>Irdeto Access has a three-pronged approach to the industry-wide problem of content piracy. It uses advanced encryption technology, conducts extensive investigations of suspected fraud and counterfeit operations with its own force of private investigators, and maintains close co-operation with international bodies.<P>Over 40 million smart cards currently protect global content revenues of around £2.5 billion annually, and the market is expected to grow at 20 percent per year. This rapid growth makes piracy even more of a worldwide concern for developers and owners of intellectual property who broadcast content over traditional channels as well as the Internet.<P>Irdeto Access places heavy emphasis on multi-faceted protection measures. Besides its active three-pronged approach, it is also a founding member of the European Association Against Piracy (AEPOC) and has a long track record of success against smart card pirates and hackers. It is also one of the companies that successfully lobbied the EU to issue its anti-piracy directive that member states were supposed to have implemented last May."<P>Verontrustend.

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