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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door satsatsat

  1. Ok. een oranje kaart dus.


    het is me nog steeds niet duidelijk of het mogelijk is om een kaart te activeren in een oud ziggo gebeid met je eigen abonnement in het upc gebied? Ik begrijp uit de reacties dat als ik een reeds geactieveerde oranje kaart heb uit het oude ziggo gebied ik gewoon overal kan kijken. Echter een niet geactiveerde kaart wat zijn daar de opties voor? Kan je die activeren met een UPC-area abonnement in een receiver bij iemand in het oude ziggo gebied maar met je eigen (UPC-area) gegevens????

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa






    Je had helemaal gelijk. Het lag aan de ontvangst.


    Het HD kanaal wat het wel deed had dezelfde signaal kwaliteit en SNR maar toen ik met femon keek zag ik dat de andere kanalen een hele hoge BER hadden.

  3. Mijn ervaring is (met de kabel, ik heb geen sateliet) dat een geblokt beeld deze oorzaken kan hebben:

    • Slecte ontvangst (eventueel veroorzaakt door slechte bekabeling)
    • Een (eventueel deels) slechte dvb adapter, of driver voor die adapter
    • Een IO probleem, meestal de harde schijf of de controller ervan
    • Geen Nvidia gpu (in linux)
    • Een nvidia gpu die geen of onvoldoende vdpau ondersteunt in combinatie met een te langzame cpu
    • Te oude nvidia drivers (als je tenminste een nvidia gpu hebt)
    • Foutieve instellingen in xorg, mythtv en/of een combi van die twee
    • Het gebruik van Xbmc in combinatie met HD kanalen

    Is wellicht één of meerdere van die mogelijkheden van toepassing?


    Geblokt beeld ligt gewoonlijk niet aan sasc-ng of oscam, dat is meer een questie van 'het doet het (stabiel), of het doet het niet' en aangezien je beeld hebt en er geen rare dingen in je logs staan ga ik er van uit dat 'het het doet'.


    En ook: hecht je erg aan je oude os?




    Bedankt voor je reactie.


    1. Ik vermoed dat het niet aan de ontvangst ligt daar hij een FTA HD kanaal op dezelfde satelliet wel goed weer geeft.
    2. Ik heb de nieuwste drivers en bij mijn weten is de octopus S2 een goede kaart, hij was iig niet goedkoop ;-)
    3. Hoe kan ik een IO probleem testen? en kan dat het ook zijn als het op FTA wel goed gaat?
    4. Ik heb een GF 520
    5. er zit een i5 cpu in
    6. nvidia driver: 304.84-0ubuntu1~lucid~xup1
    7. ik gebruik de standaard instellingen van xorg en mythtv (0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu2)


    Qua OS zou ik wel willen upgraden maar deze versie is net een maand oud of zo... ze lopen helaas wat achter qua releases....


    Hoor graag je reactie en of je misschien specifieke aanpassingen hebt die ik kan proberen. Ik draai iig jouw versie van sasc-ng.



  4. Heb je de logs van sasc-ng en oscam al bekeken.

    >> OSCam <<  cardserver started at Mon Mar 25 17:03:35 2013
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver started version 1.00-unstable_svn, build #4495 (i686-pc-linux)
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s version=1.00-unstable_svn, build #4495, system=i686-pc-linux, nice=-1
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s max. logsize=1024 Kb
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s auth size=4968
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s Cannot open file "/usr/local/etc//" (errno=2)
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc//oscam.srvid" (err=2), no service-id's loaded
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc//oscam.tiers" (err=2), no tier-id's loaded
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc//oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc//oscam.ird" (errno=2) irdeto guessing not loaded
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s monitor: disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s camd33: disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s camd35: disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s cs378x: disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=34000, crypted)
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s CAID: 0100
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s provid #0: 00006A
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s cccam: initialized (fd=8, port=12001, crypted)
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s radegast: disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s http thread started
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s creating thread for device /dev/USBsc
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B772A6C0 s waiting for local card init
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B7738280 h HTTP Server listening on port 81
    2013/03/25 17:03:35 B74FF280 r reader thread started (thread=B74FF280, label=canaldigitaal, device=/dev/USBsc, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
    2013/03/25 17:03:37 B74FF280 r canaldigitaal card detected
    2013/03/25 17:03:42 B74FF280 r ATR: 3B F7 11 00 01 40 96 70 70 0A 0E 6C B6 D6 
    2013/03/25 17:03:43 B74FF280 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.58 Mhz
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r type: SECA, caid: 0100, serial: 571471074, card: Canal+ NL v10.0
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] provider: 1, valid: 1, name: MANAGMENT, expiry date: 2013/05/25
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] SA: 1107FA71
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] provider: 2, valid: 1, name: CANALDIGITAAL, expiry date: 2013/05/16
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] SA: 002C4D8F
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r providers: 2 (0000,006A)
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] parental locked
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] ready for requests
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r found cardsystem
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] no PBM for provider 1
    2013/03/25 17:03:44 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] PBM for provider 2: E000000000000000
    2013/03/25 17:03:45 B772A6C0 s init for all local cards done
    2013/03/25 17:03:45 B772A6C0 s anti cascading disabled
    2013/03/25 17:03:55 B76F6280 c client connected to 34000 port
    2013/03/25 17:03:55 B76F6280 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (user2, au=canaldigitaal)
    2013/03/25 17:03:55 B76F6280 c user user2 authenticated successfully (generic)
    2013/03/25 17:03:55 B76F6280 c AU enabled for user user2 on reader canaldigitaal
    2013/03/25 17:05:55 B76F6280 c Connection closed to client
    2013/03/25 17:05:55 B76F6280 c user2 disconnected  from
    2013/03/25 17:05:55 B76F6280 c thread B76F6280 ended!
    2013/03/25 17:06:41 B76F6280 c client connected to 34000 port
    2013/03/25 17:06:41 B76F6280 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (user2, au=canaldigitaal)
    2013/03/25 17:06:41 B76F6280 c user user2 authenticated successfully (generic)
    2013/03/25 17:06:41 B76F6280 c AU enabled for user user2 on reader canaldigitaal
    2013/03/25 17:06:41 B76F6280 c user2 (0100&00006A/17C0/64:6310): found (329 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)
    2013/03/25 17:06:46 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] provider: 2, valid: 1, name: CANALDIGITAAL, expiry date: 2013/05/26
    2013/03/25 17:06:46 B74FF280 r [seca-reader] SA: 002C4D8F
    2013/03/25 17:06:46 B74FF280 r user2 emmtype=shared, len=119, idx=0, cnt=1: written (421 ms) by canaldigitaal
    2013/03/25 17:06:47 B76F6280 c user2 (0100&00006A/17C0/64:9C63): found (326 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)
    2013/03/25 17:06:57 B76F6280 c user2 (0100&00006A/17C0/64:4B64): found (326 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)
    2013/03/25 17:07:07 B76F6280 c user2 (0100&00006A/17C0/64:D6CD): found (326 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.324 : Version: 0.0.2-Unknown
    Mar 25 17:03:55.325 CAM: initializing plugin: SoftCam (1.0.0pre-Unknown): A software emulated CAM
    Mar 25 17:03:55.325 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-Unknown initializing (VDR 1.6.0)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.326 CAM: starting plugin:
    Mar 25 17:03:55.326 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-Unknown starting (VDR 1.6.0)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.326 CAM(core.load): ** Plugin config:
    Mar 25 17:03:55.327 CAM(core.load): ** Key updates (AU) are enabled (active CAIDs) (no prestart)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.328 CAM(core.load): ** Local systems DON'T take priority over cached remote
    Mar 25 17:03:55.328 CAM(core.load): ** Concurrent FF recordings are NOT allowed
    Mar 25 17:03:55.328 CAM(core.load): ** Force transfermode with digital audio
    Mar 25 17:03:55.329 CAM(core.load): ** ECM cache is set to enabled
    Mar 25 17:03:55.329 CAM(core.load): ** TsBufferSize is 4 MB
    Mar 25 17:03:55.329 CAM(core.load): ** ScCaps are 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Mar 25 17:03:55.331 CAM( loading cardclient config from /usr/local/etc//cardclient.conf
    Mar 25 17:03:55.332 CAM(cardclient.newcamd): now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.332 CAM(cardclient.core): hostname= port=34000 emm=1 emmCaids 0100/ffff
    Mar 25 17:03:55.332 CAM(cardclient.core): Newcamd: username=user2 password=xx key=xx
    Mar 25 17:03:55.332 CAM(cardclient.core): client 'Newcamd' ready
    Mar 25 17:03:55.333 CAM( connecting to (
    Mar 25 17:03:55.336 CAM(cardclient.login): Newcamd: CaID=0100 admin=1 srvUA=00000000220FF4E2 provider 00006A/00000000002C4D8F 000000/000000001107FA71
    Mar 25 17:03:55.336 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//SoftCam.Key: No such file or directory
    Mar 25 17:03:55.336 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//smartcard.conf: No such file or directory
    Mar 25 17:03:55.337 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//cardslot.conf: No such file or directory
    Mar 25 17:03:55.337 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//override.conf: No such file or directory
    Mar 25 17:03:55.337 CAM(general.error): no keys loaded for softcam!
    Mar 25 17:03:55.338 CAM(core.load): ** registered systems:
    Mar 25 17:03:55.338 CAM(core.load): ** Cardclient        (pri -15)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.338 CAM(core.load): ** Conax             (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.339 CAM(core.load): ** ConstCW           (pri -20)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.339 CAM(core.load): ** Cryptoworks       (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.339 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto            (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.341 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto2           (pri  -8)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.343 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra             (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.343 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra2            (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.344 CAM(core.load): ** Fake-NDS          (pri -12)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.344 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Conax          (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.344 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Cryptoworks    (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.345 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Irdeto         (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.345 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Nagra          (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.346 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Seca           (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.346 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Viaccess       (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.346 CAM(core.load): ** SC-VideoGuard2    (pri  -5)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.346 CAM(core.load): ** Seca              (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.347 CAM(core.load): ** @SHL              (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:55.347 CAM(core.load): ** Viaccess          (pri -10)
    Mar 25 17:03:56.352 frontend: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend1
    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:
    policy = 0
    priority = 0
    Mar 25 17:03:56.352 dvr: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/dvr1
    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:
    policy = 1
    priority = 99
    Mar 25 17:03:56.352 demux: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/demux1
    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:
    policy = 0
    priority = 0
    Mar 25 17:03:56.354 : Listening on port 5456
    Mar 25 17:04:25.466 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:04:25.488 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:04:25.517 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.085 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.239 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.240 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.337 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.352 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:04:26.353 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:04:26.353 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:04:26.353 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:04:26.354 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:05:27.015 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:05:27.113 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:05:27.128 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:05:27.129 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:05:27.129 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:05:27.129 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:05:27.130 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:05:27.706 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2
    Orbit: 00000282E
    Mar 25 17:05:35.094 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.095 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.096 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.096 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.096 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.097 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:35.097 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:05:55.342 CAM( idle timeout, disconnected
    Mar 25 17:06:37.428 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2
    Mar 25 17:06:37.435 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:06:37.533 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:06:37.549 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd
    Mar 25 17:06:37.549 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:37.549 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Mar 25 17:06:37.549 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:37.550 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0
    Orbit: 00000235E
    Mar 25 17:06:39.483 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6035
    Mar 25 17:06:39.484 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6025
    Mar 25 17:06:39.484 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6020
    Mar 25 17:06:39.485 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6015
    Mar 25 17:06:39.485 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6010
    Mar 25 17:06:39.502 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6092
    Mar 25 17:06:39.502 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6090
    Mar 25 17:06:39.503 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6068
    Mar 25 17:06:39.503 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6072
    Mar 25 17:06:39.503 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6066
    Mar 25 17:06:39.504 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6065
    Mar 25 17:06:39.504 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6045
    Mar 25 17:06:39.506 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6040
    Mar 25 17:06:39.506 CAM(core.pids): 0: now tuned to source 88eb(S23.5E) transponder 33b1b
    Mar 25 17:06:39.506 CAM: SC completed  Tune cmd
    Mar 25 17:06:39.507 CAM(core.pids): 0: update SID 6080 (zero=0 noshift=0)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.507 CAM(core.pids): 0: pids typ5=020d typ5=0069 typ5=002b typ5=0033
    Mar 25 17:06:39.508 CAM(core.pids): SimplyCa entry pidCa=0
    Mar 25 17:06:39.508 CAM(core.pids): prgca: 09 07 18 17 E7 16 02 00 6A 09 07 18 18 E7 29 02 00 6C 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00
    Mar 25 17:06:39.508 CAM(core.pids): pidca 020d: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.508 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0069: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.509 CAM(core.pids): pidca 002b: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.509 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0033: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.509 CAM(core.pids): SimplyCa exit pidCa=0
    Mar 25 17:06:39.510 CAM(core.pids): prgca: 09 07 18 17 E7 16 02 00 6A 09 07 18 18 E7 29 02 00 6C 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00
    Mar 25 17:06:39.510 CAM(core.pids): pidca 020d: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.510 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0069: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.510 CAM(core.pids): pidca 002b: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.511 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0033: <empty>
    Mar 25 17:06:39.511 CAM(core.pids): 0: SID=6080 zero=0 | sid=-/-/- zero=-/-/- idle=-/-/-
    Mar 25 17:06:39.511 CAM(core.pids): 0: found handler for SID 6080 (0.1 idle=1 idx=1)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.511 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: setting new SID 6080
    Mar 25 17:06:39.512 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids on entry
    Mar 25 17:06:39.512 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids after delete
    Mar 25 17:06:39.512 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 020d on index 1
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPid
    Mar 25 17:06:39.513 CSA: Got command(2): P idx: 1 pid: 525
    Mar 25 17:06:39.514 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 0069 on index 1
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPid
    Mar 25 17:06:39.514 CSA: Got command(2): P idx: 1 pid: 105
    Mar 25 17:06:39.515 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 002b on index 1
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPid
    Mar 25 17:06:39.516 CSA: Got command(2): P idx: 1 pid: 43
    Mar 25 17:06:39.516 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 0033 on index 1
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPid
    Mar 25 17:06:39.517 CSA: Got command(2): P idx: 1 pid: 51
    Mar 25 17:06:39.517 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids after add typ5=020d typ5=0069 typ5=002b typ5=0033
    Mar 25 17:06:39.517 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: is no longer idle
    Mar 25 17:06:39.517 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:39.518 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:39.518 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:39.578 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: triggered SID -1/6080 idx -1/1 mode -1/0 -
    Mar 25 17:06:39.578 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: new caDescr: 09 07 18 17 E7 16 02 00 6A 09 07 18 18 E7 29 02 00 6C 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 16 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 11 01 00 E7 29 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 79 09 0F 05 00 E5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00
    Mar 25 17:06:39.579 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: CA descriptors for SID 6080 (len=128)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.579 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 18 17 e7 16 02 00 6a
    Mar 25 17:06:39.579 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 1817(0000) (Nagra2) id 0000 with ecm 716/80 (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.579 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 18 18 e7 29 02 00 6c
    Mar 25 17:06:39.580 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 1818(0000) (Nagra2) id 0000 with ecm 729/80 (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.580 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 16 00 6a ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 79
    Mar 25 17:06:39.580 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 716/80 (dup) (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.581 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 29 00 6c ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 79
    Mar 25 17:06:39.581 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006c with ecm 729/80 (dup) (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.581 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 05 00 e5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00
    Mar 25 17:06:39.582 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0500(0000) (Viaccess) id 42500 with ecm 599/80 (new)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.582 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 16 00 6a ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 79
    Mar 25 17:06:39.582 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 716/80 (dup) (already present)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.583 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 29 00 6c ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 79
    Mar 25 17:06:39.583 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006c with ecm 729/80 (dup) (already present)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.583 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 05 00 e5 99 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00
    Mar 25 17:06:39.584 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0500(0000) (Viaccess) id 42500 with ecm 599/80 (already present)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.584 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Nagra2 (1817) id 0000 with ecm 716 (pri=-10)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.650 CAM(nagra.ecm): bad ECM message msgLen=101 sctLen=100
    Mar 25 17:06:39.855 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Nagra2 (1818) id 0000 with ecm 729 (pri=-10)
    Mar 25 17:06:39.929 CAM( 0: chain caid 0100 -> Seca(-10) Cardclient(-15) [00b6-82/ff/00] [00b7-84/ff/00] [00b8-84/ff/00] [00b9-84/ff/00] [00ba-84/ff/00] [00bb-84/ff/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.929 CAM( 0: chain caid 0500 -> Viaccess(-10) [00aa-8b/fe/07]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.930 CAM( 0: chain caid 0d96 -> none available
    Mar 25 17:06:39.930 CAM( 0: chain caid 0624 -> Irdeto2(-8) Irdeto(-10) [1f41-82/ff/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.930 CAM( 0: chain caid 1817 -> Nagra2(-10) [00b6-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.931 CAM( 0: chain caid 1818 -> Nagra2(-10) [00b6-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.931 CAM( 0: chain caid 1819 -> Nagra2(-10) [00b6-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.931 CAM( 0: chain caid 1817 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.932 CAM( 0: chain caid 1818 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.932 CAM( 0: chain caid 1819 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.932 CAM( 0: chain caid 1817 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.933 CAM( 0: chain caid 1818 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.933 CAM( 0: chain caid 1819 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.933 CAM( 0: chain caid 1817 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00] [00b7-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.934 CAM( 0: chain caid 1818 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00] [00b9-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.934 CAM( 0: chain caid 1819 ++ [00b6-82/fe/00] [00bc-82/fe/00] [00bb-82/fe/00] [00ba-82/fe/00]
    Mar 25 17:06:39.934 CAM( 0: starting chain 1818
    Mar 25 17:06:39.947 CAM(nagra.ecm): bad ECM message msgLen=103 sctLen=100
    Mar 25 17:06:40.152 CAM( 0: starting chain 0100
    Mar 25 17:06:40.152 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Seca (0100) id 006a with ecm 716 (pri=-10)
    Mar 25 17:06:40.244 CAM(core.ecm): system: no key found for S 006A 0C
    Mar 25 17:06:40.448 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Seca (0100) id 006c with ecm 729 (pri=-10)
    Mar 25 17:06:40.541 CAM(core.ecm): system: no key found for S 006C 0C
    Mar 25 17:06:40.745 CAM( 0: starting chain 0500
    Mar 25 17:06:40.746 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Viaccess (0500) id 42500 with ecm 599 (pri=-10)
    Mar 25 17:06:41.340 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Cardclient (0100) id 006a with ecm 716 (pri=-15)
    Mar 25 17:06:41.451 CAM(cardclient.core): cc-loop
    Mar 25 17:06:41.451 CAM(cardclient.core): now trying client Newcamd (
    Mar 25 17:06:41.452 CAM( connecting to (
    Mar 25 17:06:41.456 CAM(cardclient.login): Newcamd: CaID=0100 admin=1 srvUA=00000000220FF4E2 provider 00006A/00000000002C4D8F 000000/000000001107FA71
    Mar 25 17:06:41.457 CAM(cardclient.newcamd): bad msgid 0002 != 0000 
    Mar 25 17:06:41.457 CAM(cardclient.newcamd): msg ID sync error. Retrying...
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:41.789 CSA: Got command(2): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 4124...1f
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:41.790 CSA: Got command(2): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: ea1a...19
    Mar 25 17:06:41.791 CAM(core.ecm): cache add prgId=6080 source=88eb transponder=33b1b ecm=716/80
    Mar 25 17:06:41.791 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: correct key found
    Mar 25 17:06:41.834 CSA: Creating csa for rb: 2
    Mar 25 17:06:42.039 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2
    Mar 25 17:06:42.082 CSA: Creating csa for rb: 2
    Orbit: 00000235E
    Mar 25 17:06:42.491 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6092
    Mar 25 17:06:42.491 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6090
    Mar 25 17:06:42.491 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6068
    Mar 25 17:06:42.492 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6072
    Mar 25 17:06:42.492 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6066
    Mar 25 17:06:42.493 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6045
    Mar 25 17:06:42.493 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6040
    Mar 25 17:06:42.493 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 6030
    Mar 25 17:06:42.494 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:42.494 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:42.494 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Mar 25 17:06:42.495 MSG: Got unprocessed message type: 1
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:43.846 CSA: Got command(2): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 4124...1f
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:43.847 CSA: Got command(2): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: ea1a...19
    Mar 25 17:06:47.099 CAM(core.load): saved ecm cache to /usr/local/etc//ecm.cache
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:47.255 CSA: Got command(2): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 86a8...d6
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:06:57.242 CSA: Got command(2): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 4d0a...b3
    Mar 25 17:07:03.954 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:07:07.226 CSA: Got command(2): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 5fb4...77
    Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescr
    Mar 25 17:07:17.218 CSA: Got command(2): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 6a9f...b4
  5.  Ik krijg wel beeld maar 'geblokked' zodat er niet normaal naar te kijken is. Is dat op te lossen mbv settings? 

    Heb nogal een bijeengeraapte oude configuratie (door het os wat ik gebruik):
    - Kubuntu 10.04 (linuxmce,
    - gebackporte kernel 3.0.0-32-generic (linux-image-generic-lts-backport-oneiric)
    - sasc-ng (3.6-or-lower-kernel met wat aanpassingen van de Makefiles ivm verwijzingen naar media_build_experimental)
    - oscam
    Iemand misschien een configuratie voor een gelijkende setup?
  6. Je moet tegenwoordig wel je kernel patchen of v4l dat kan ook.


    Hoi Lamko. Bedankt voor je antwoord.


    Ik heb het net weer geprobeerd aangezien er een nieuwe kernel was en ik het toch moetst hercompilen. Alles compiled en start netjes maar hij geeft alleen geen beeld bij geencrypte kanalen (gek genoeg deed hij het de eerst keer wel even maar na wat te hebben aangepast en gereboot niet meer. Ook niet als ik de conf weer terug zette). Hieronder de output van de sasc-ng log. Ik gebruik de laatste drivers van:


    card: hg clone

    sasc-ng: hg clone


    en verder de standaard kernel bij kubuntu 10.04


    Linux dcerouter 2.6.32-36-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 8 22:29:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux


    als je enig idee hebt hoor ik het graag. word er moedeloos van :-)




    Dec 18 15:05:12.769 : Version: 0.0.2-51c5add369d7+

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM: initializing plugin: SoftCam (1.0.0pre-HG-51c5add369d7+): A software emulated CAM

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-51c5add369d7+ initializing (VDR 1.6.0)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM: starting plugin:

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-51c5add369d7+ starting (VDR 1.6.0)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM(core.load): ** Plugin config:

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM(core.load): ** Key updates (AU) are enabled (active CAIDs) (no prestart)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.772 CAM(core.load): ** Local systems DON'T take priority over cached remote

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM(core.load): ** Concurrent FF recordings are NOT allowed

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM(core.load): ** Force transfermode with digital audio

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM(core.load): ** ECM cache is set to enabled

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM(core.load): ** TsBufferSize is 4 MB

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM(core.load): ** ScCaps are 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Dec 18 15:05:12.773 CAM( loading cardclient config from /usr/local/etc//cardclient.conf

    Dec 18 15:05:12.774 CAM(cardclient.newcamd): now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.774 CAM(cardclient.core): hostname= port=34000 emm=1 emmCaids 0100/ffff

    Dec 18 15:05:12.774 CAM(cardclient.core): Newcamd: username=user2 password=password2 key=0102030405060708091011121314

    Dec 18 15:05:12.774 CAM(cardclient.core): client 'Newcamd' ready

    Dec 18 15:05:12.775 CAM( connecting to (

    Dec 18 15:05:12.825 CAM(cardclient.login): Newcamd: CaID=0100 admin=1 srvUA=00000000220FF4E2 provider 00006A/00000000002C4D8F 000000/000000001107FA71

    Dec 18 15:05:12.825 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//SoftCam.Key: No such file or directory

    Dec 18 15:05:12.825 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//smartcard.conf: No such file or directory

    Dec 18 15:05:12.825 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//cardslot.conf: No such file or directory

    Dec 18 15:05:12.825 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//override.conf: No such file or directory

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(general.error): no keys loaded for softcam!

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** registered systems:

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** Cardclient (pri -15)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** Conax (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** ConstCW (pri -20)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** Cryptoworks (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.826 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto2 (pri -8)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra2 (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** Fake-NDS (pri -12)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Conax (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Cryptoworks (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Irdeto (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Nagra (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.827 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Seca (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.828 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Viaccess (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.828 CAM(core.load): ** SC-VideoGuard2 (pri -5)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.828 CAM(core.load): ** Seca (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:12.828 CAM(core.load): ** Viaccess (pri -10)

    Dec 18 15:05:13.831 frontend: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 0

    priority = 0

    Dec 18 15:05:13.850 dvr: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/dvr1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 1

    priority = 99

    Dec 18 15:05:13.850 demux: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter2/demux1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 0

    priority = 0

    Dec 18 15:05:14.857 frontend: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 0

    priority = 0

    Dec 18 15:05:14.858 demux: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter3/demux1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 0

    priority = 0

    Dec 18 15:05:14.908 dvr: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter3/dvr1

    The thread scheduling parameters indicate:

    policy = 1

    priority = 99

    Dec 18 15:05:14.918 : Listening on port 5456

    Dec 18 15:05:43.436 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:43.436 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:43.472 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.040 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.196 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.304 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.320 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.320 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:05:44.321 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:44.321 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:05:44.321 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:44.607 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:05:44.607 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:05:44.607 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:44.607 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:05:44.607 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:05:44.871 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:06:44.633 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:06:44.636 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:06:44.736 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:06:44.752 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:06:44.752 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:06:44.752 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:06:44.752 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:06:44.752 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:07:13.121 CAM( idle timeout, disconnected

    Dec 18 15:09:10.787 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:10.787 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:10.884 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:10.899 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:10.899 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:10.900 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:09:10.900 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:10.900 CSA: Got command(2): I idx: 0 pid: 0

    Dec 18 15:09:12.001 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2

    Orbit: 00000235E

    Dec 18 15:09:13.472 CAM(core.pids): 0: now tuned to source 88eb(S23.5E) transponder 33b1b

    Dec 18 15:09:55.137 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 2

    Dec 18 15:09:55.706 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.272 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.413 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.512 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.527 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.527 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:56.528 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:56.807 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:09:56.807 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:56.807 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:09:57.067 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:35.777 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.344 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.485 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.584 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.599 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.599 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:10:36.600 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:10:36.874 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:10:36.874 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:10:36.874 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:10:37.135 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:20.603 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.172 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.317 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.416 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.433 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.433 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:11:21.433 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:11:21.714 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:11:21.714 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:11:21.714 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:11:21.976 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:05.685 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.256 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.400 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.500 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.516 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.516 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:06.516 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:06.799 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:06.799 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:06.799 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:07.060 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:50.695 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.268 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.411 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.512 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.527 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.527 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:51.528 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:51.806 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:12:51.807 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:51.807 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:12:52.069 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:35.692 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.260 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.402 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.504 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.535 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.535 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:13:36.535 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:13:36.814 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:13:36.814 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:13:36.815 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:13:37.074 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:20.607 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.176 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.323 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.420 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.435 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.436 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:14:21.436 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:14:21.715 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:14:21.715 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:14:21.715 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:14:21.977 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:05.573 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.140 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.282 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.380 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.395 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.395 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:06.396 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:06.669 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:06.669 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:06.669 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:06.923 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:50.637 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.204 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.347 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.448 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.463 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.463 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:51.464 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:51.740 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:15:51.740 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:51.740 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:15:52.002 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:36.583 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.152 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.296 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.396 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.411 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.412 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:16:37.412 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:16:37.688 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:16:37.688 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:16:37.688 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:16:37.949 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:21.683 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.252 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.405 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.504 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.519 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.520 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:17:22.520 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:17:22.798 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:17:22.798 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:17:22.798 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:17:23.056 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:06.602 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.168 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.312 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.412 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.427 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.428 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:07.428 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:07.705 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:07.705 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:07.705 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:07.964 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:51.591 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.160 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.302 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.400 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.415 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.415 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:52.416 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:52.682 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:18:52.682 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:52.683 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:18:52.945 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:36.555 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.124 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.265 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.364 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.379 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.379 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:19:37.380 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:19:37.655 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:19:37.655 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:19:37.655 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:19:37.916 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:21.588 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.156 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.297 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.396 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.411 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.411 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:20:22.412 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:20:22.685 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:20:22.685 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:20:22.685 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:20:22.941 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:06.575 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.144 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.285 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.384 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.399 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.399 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:07.400 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:07.685 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:07.685 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:07.686 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:07.942 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:51.637 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.204 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.344 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.444 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.459 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.459 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:52.460 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:52.732 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:21:52.732 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:52.732 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:21:52.992 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:36.573 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.140 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.287 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.384 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.399 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.399 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:22:37.400 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:22:37.673 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:22:37.674 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:22:37.674 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:22:37.929 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:21.605 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.172 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.313 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.412 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.427 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.428 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:23:22.428 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:23:22.700 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:23:22.700 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:23:22.700 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:23:22.964 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:06.587 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.156 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.296 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.396 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.411 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.411 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:07.412 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:07.687 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:07.687 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:07.687 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:07.938 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:51.581 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.148 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.291 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.388 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.403 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.403 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:52.404 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:52.691 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:24:52.691 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:52.692 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:24:52.949 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:36.568 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.136 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.277 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.376 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.391 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.391 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:25:37.392 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:25:37.682 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:25:37.682 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:25:37.683 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:25:37.944 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:21.861 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.432 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.590 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.692 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.707 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.707 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:26:22.708 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:26:22.995 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:26:22.995 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:26:22.995 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:26:23.256 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:06.611 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.176 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.320 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.420 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.435 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.435 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:07.436 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:07.715 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:07.715 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:07.715 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:07.991 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:51.593 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.168 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.315 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.416 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.433 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.434 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:52.434 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:52.714 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:27:52.714 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:52.714 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:27:52.979 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:36.674 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.244 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.388 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.488 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.503 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.504 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:28:37.504 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:28:37.778 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

    Dec 18 15:28:37.778 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:28:37.778 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)

    Dec 18 15:28:38.035 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmd

  7. Twee vraagjes:


    1) weet iemand toevallig of er nog iets van een ticket/bug systeem aanwezig is voor sasc-ng of hoe anders de makers te benaderen zijn?


    2) Ik krijg na een herinstall de onderstaande foutmelding in sasc-ng. Iemand hier ervaring mee?


    sasc-ng: malloc.c:3096: sYSMALLOc: Assertion `(old_top == (((mbinptr) (((char *) &((av)->bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd)))) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= (unsigned long)((((__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd_nextsize))+((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1)) & ~((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1))) && ((old_top)->size & 0x1) && ((unsigned long)old_end & pagemask) == 0)' failed.

    Aborted (core dumped)

  8. het lijkt een bekend probleem te zijn:


    Zonder vdpau speelt hij nu iets af alleen daarvoor is die bak veel te traag. Met vdpau krijg ik nu allemaal vdpau gerelateerde errors:

    mplayer -vo vdpau -demuxer lavf /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0 MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0.libavformat file format detected.[NULL @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced    Last message repeated 1 times[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]non-existing PPS referenced[h264 @ 0x9785200]B picture before any references, skipping[h264 @ 0x9785200]decode_slice_header error[h264 @ 0x9785200]no frame![h264 @ 0x9785200]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one    Last message repeated 45 times[h264 @ 0x9785200]mmco: unref short failure[lavf] Video stream found, -vid 0VIDEO:  [H264]  1920x1080  0bpp  50.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)==========================================================================Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec familySelected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)==========================================================================Audio: no soundStarting playback...[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one~~~[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]reference picture missing during reorder[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]Missing reference picture[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]mmco: unref short failure[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]reference picture missing during reorder[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]Missing reference picture[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]mmco: unref short failureVDec: vo config request - 1920 x 1080 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.VO: [vdpau] 1920x1080 => 1920x1080 Planar YV12 [ASPECT] Warning: No suitable new res found![vdpau] Error when calling vdp_output_surface_create: A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_output_surface_create: A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_output_surface_create: A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]mmco: unref short failure[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.pts value < previous[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.pts value < previous ~~~~[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_display: An invalid handle value was provided.[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]error while decoding MB 108 58, bytestream (-3)[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one~~~[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]reference picture missing during reorder[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]Missing reference picture[h264 @ 0xb64d6ac0]illegal short term buffer state detected[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_presentation_queue_block_until_surface_idle: An invalid handle value was provided.[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_video_mixer_render: An invalid handle value was provided.


  9. Ik had hem net per ongeluk lang aan laten staan (met framedrop) en toen zij hij het onderstaand (ook met -ni geprobeerd dat maakte niet uit)

    # mplayer -framedrop /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0.TS file format detected.VIDEO MPEG2(pid=255) AUDIO A52(pid=259) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0Too many audio packets in the buffer: (4096 in 31457280 bytes).Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.MPEG: FATAL: EOF while searching for sequence header.Video: Cannot read properties.==========================================================================Opening audio decoder: [liba52] AC3 decoding with liba52Using SSE optimized IMDCT transformUsing MMX optimized resamplerAUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 384.0 kbit/25.00% (ratio: 48000->192000)Selected audio codec: [a52] afm: liba52 (AC3-liba52)==========================================================================AO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refusedFailed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)Video: no videoStarting playback...A:56102.2 (15:35:02.1) of -0.2 (unknown)  0.9% MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: play_audioA:56102.2 (15:35:02.1) of -0.2 (unknown)  0.9% Exiting... (Quit)


  10. Ik heb zelf een regel aangepast is deze zo goed?



    echter geeft hij nu wel een gevonden video stream weer maar nog geen beeld

    # ./szap-s2 -a 0 -r -S 1 -c channels.conf AstraHDreading channels from file 'channels.conf'zapping to 14 'AstraHD':delivery DVB-S2, modulation QPSKsat 2, frequency 11719 MHz H, symbolrate 27500000, coderate auto, rolloff 0.35vpid 0x00ff, apid 0x0103, sid 0x0000using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'status 1b | signal 05aa | snr 001b | ber 00000000 | unc fffffffe | FE_HAS_LOCK


    # mplayer -vo vdpau /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0.TS file format detected.VIDEO MPEG2(pid=255) AUDIO A52(pid=259) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: video_read_propertiesMPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: video_read_properties


  11. cat naar file had ik al geprobeerd en dan krijg ik alleen audio.

    # ./szap-s2 -a 0 -r -S 1 -c channels.conf "HD Demo Astra & RAI"reading channels from file 'channels.conf'zapping to 10 'HD Demo Astra & RAI':delivery DVB-S2, modulation QPSKsat 2, frequency 11778 MHz V, symbolrate 27500000, coderate auto, rolloff 0.35vpid 0x0100, apid 0x1f43, sid 0x0000using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'status 1b | signal 05aa | snr 0020 | ber 00000000 | unc fffffffe | FE_HAS_LOCK


    # cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 > ~/file.ts^Cdcerouter_1:/usr/local/etc# mplayer ~/file.ts MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /root/file.ts.TS file format detected.NO VIDEO! AUDIO MPA(pid=8003) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0==========================================================================Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 384.0 kbit/25.00% (ratio: 48000->192000)Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)==========================================================================AO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refusedFailed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)Video: no videoStarting playback...A:15239.3 ( 4:13:59.2) of 25.9 (25.9)  0.9% MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: play_audioA:15239.3 ( 4:13:59.2) of 25.9 (25.9)  0.9% Exiting... (Quit)


    # mplayer -vo vdpau /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0 MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0.TS file format detected.MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: demux_openNO VIDEO! NO AUDIO!  NO SUBS (yet)! No stream found.Exiting... (End of file)


  12. Dan is er inderdaad wat meer aan de gang in sasc-ng. Alleen nog geen beeld. mplayer uiteindelijk afgesloten met ctrl-c. Hieronder de logs. Misschien nog zo'n goede suggestie en we hebben beeld?? ;-)


    # ./sasc-ng --cam-budget -j 0:1 --cam-dir /usr/local/etc/ Mar 16 14:50:18.661 : Version: 0.0.2-61975953edd0+Mar 16 14:50:18.661 CAM: initializing plugin: SoftCam (1.0.0pre-HG-61975953edd0+): A software emulated CAMMar 16 14:50:18.661 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-61975953edd0+ initializing (VDR 1.6.0)Mar 16 14:50:18.661 CAM: starting plugin:Mar 16 14:50:18.661 CAM( SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-61975953edd0+ starting (VDR 1.6.0)Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** Plugin config:Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** Key updates (AU) are enabled (active CAIDs) (no prestart)Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** Local systems DON'T take priority over cached remoteMar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** Concurrent FF recordings are NOT allowedMar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** Force transfermode with digital audioMar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** ECM cache is set to enabledMar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(core.load): ** ScCaps are 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM( loading cardclient config from /usr/local/etc//cardclient.confMar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(cardclient.newcamd): now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(cardclient.core): hostname=XX1.XX1.XX1.XX1 port=34000 emm=1 emmCaids 0000/0000Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(cardclient.core): Newcamd: username=user2 password=password2 key=0102030405060708091011121314Mar 16 14:50:18.662 CAM(cardclient.core): client 'Newcamd' readyMar 16 14:50:18.663 CAM( connecting to XX1.XX1.XX1.XX1:34000/tcp (XX1.XX1.XX1.XX1)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(cardclient.login): Newcamd: CaID=0100 admin=1 srvUA=0000000022144172 provider 00006A/0000000000XXXXXX 000000/00000000110A20B9Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//SoftCam.Key: No such file or directoryMar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM( loading ecm cache from /usr/local/etc//ecm.cacheMar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//smartcard.conf: No such file or directoryMar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//cardslot.conf: No such file or directoryMar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(general.error): failed open /usr/local/etc//override.conf: No such file or directoryMar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(general.error): no keys loaded for softcam!Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** registered systems:Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** Cardclient        (pri -15)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** Conax             (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** ConstCW           (pri -20)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** Cryptoworks       (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto            (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.767 CAM(core.load): ** Irdeto2           (pri  -8)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra             (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** Nagra2            (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** Fake-NDS          (pri -12)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Conax          (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Cryptoworks    (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Irdeto         (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Nagra          (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Seca           (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-Viaccess       (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** SC-VideoGuard2    (pri  -5)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** Seca              (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** @SHL              (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:18.768 CAM(core.load): ** Viaccess          (pri -10)Mar 16 14:50:19.769 frontend: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend1The thread scheduling parameters indicate:policy = 0priority = 0Mar 16 14:50:19.774 dvr: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr1The thread scheduling parameters indicate:policy = 1priority = 99Mar 16 14:50:19.774 demux: Starting thread on /dev/dvb/adapter1/demux1The thread scheduling parameters indicate:policy = 0priority = 0Mar 16 14:50:19.775 : Listening on port 5456Mar 16 14:50:32.287 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)Mar 16 14:50:32.287 CSA: Got command(1): I idx: 0 pid: 0Mar 16 14:50:32.303 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmdMar 16 14:50:32.304 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmdMar 16 14:50:32.330 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmdMar 16 14:50:32.447 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmdMar 16 14:50:32.482 CHANNEL: Clearing tuning cache due to switch cmdMar 16 14:50:32.482 CHANNEL: Tuning frontend (new)Mar 16 14:50:32.482 CSA: Got command(1): I idx: 0 pid: 0Orbit: 00000235EMar 16 14:50:33.157 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 7030Mar 16 14:50:33.251 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 7030Mar 16 14:50:33.458 CHANNEL: Already seen sid: 7015Mar 16 14:50:33.466 CAM(core.pids): 0: now tuned to source 88eb(S23.5E) transponder 33b1bMar 16 14:50:33.466 CAM: SC completed  Tune cmdMar 16 14:50:33.466 CAM(core.pids): 0: update SID 7035 (zero=0 noshift=0)Mar 16 14:50:33.466 CAM(core.pids): 0: pids typ5=0205 typ5=005c typ5=0024Mar 16 14:50:33.466 CAM(core.pids): SimplyCa entry pidCa=0Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): prgca: 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0205: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 005c: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0024: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): SimplyCa exit pidCa=0Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): prgca: 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0205: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 005c: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): pidca 0024: <empty>Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0: SID=7035 zero=0 | sid=-/-/- zero=-/-/- idle=-/-/-Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0: found handler for SID 7035 (0.1 idle=1 idx=1)Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: setting new SID 7035Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids on entryMar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids after deleteMar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 0205 on index 1Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPidMar 16 14:50:33.467 CSA: Got command(1): P idx: 1 pid: 517Mar 16 14:50:33.467 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 005c on index 1Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPidMar 16 14:50:33.467 CSA: Got command(1): P idx: 1 pid: 92Mar 16 14:50:33.468 CAM(core.pids): 0: descrambling pid 0024 on index 1Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaPidMar 16 14:50:33.468 CSA: Got command(1): P idx: 1 pid: 36Mar 16 14:50:33.468 CAM(core.pids): 0.1: pids after add typ5=0205 typ5=005c typ5=0024Mar 16 14:50:33.468 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: is no longer idleMar 16 14:50:33.528 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: triggered SID -1/7035 idx -1/1 mode -1/0 -Mar 16 14:50:33.528 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: new caDescr: 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00 09 11 01 00 E7 0E 00 6A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E7 22 00 6C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 11 01 00 E6 46 00 6A FF 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 70 09 0F 05 00 E5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00Mar 16 14:50:33.528 CAM(core.ecm): from cache: system Cardclient (0100) id 006a with ecm 70e/80Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: CA descriptors for SID 7035 (len=148)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 0e 00 6a ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 70e/80 (already present)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 22 00 6c ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006c with ecm 722/80 (new)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e6 46 00 6a ff 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 646/80 (new)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 05 00 e5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0500(0000) (Viaccess) id 42500 with ecm 592/80 (new)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 0e 00 6a ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 70e/80 (already present)Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e7 22 00 6c ff ff e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.529 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006c with ecm 722/80 (already present)Mar 16 14:50:33.530 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 01 00 e6 46 00 6a ff 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 2a 70Mar 16 14:50:33.530 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0100(0000) (Seca) id 006a with ecm 646/80 (already present)Mar 16 14:50:33.530 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: descriptor 05 00 e5 92 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 04 25 00Mar 16 14:50:33.530 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: found 0500(0000) (Viaccess) id 42500 with ecm 592/80 (already present)Mar 16 14:50:33.530 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: try system Cardclient (0100) id 006a with ecm 70e (cached) (pri=-15)Mar 16 14:50:33.566 CAM( 0: chain caid 0622 -> Irdeto2(-8) Irdeto(-10) Cardclient(-15) [0136-82/ff/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.566 CAM( 0: chain caid 0100 -> Seca(-10) Cardclient(-15) [00b6-82/ff/00] [00b7-84/ff/00] [00b8-84/ff/00] [00b9-84/ff/00] [00ba-84/ff/00] [00bb-84/ff/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: chain caid 0d03 -> Cardclient(-15) [138a-80/ff/06] [138a-88/fe/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: chain caid 0d70 -> Cardclient(-15) [138b-80/ff/06] [138b-88/fe/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: chain caid 0d96 -> Cardclient(-15) [1f40-80/ff/06] [1f40-88/fe/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: chain caid 0624 -> Irdeto2(-8) Irdeto(-10) Cardclient(-15) [1f41-82/ff/00]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: chain caid 0500 -> Viaccess(-10) Cardclient(-15) [00aa-8b/fe/07]Mar 16 14:50:33.567 CAM( 0: starting chain 0100Mar 16 14:50:33.583 CAM(cardclient.core): cc-loopMar 16 14:50:33.583 CAM(cardclient.core): now trying client Newcamd (XX1.XX1.XX1.XX1:34000)Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:34.035 CSA: Got command(1): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: f6a2...9cCalled cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:34.035 CSA: Got command(1): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 099b...c0Mar 16 14:50:34.035 CAM(core.ecm): 0.1: correct key foundCalled cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:36.084 CSA: Got command(1): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: f6a2...9cCalled cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:36.084 CSA: Got command(1): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 099b...c0Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:44.019 CSA: Got command(1): E idx: 1 pid: 0 key: 8cb4...e0Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:50:54.002 CSA: Got command(1): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: e684...88Buffer has room, reading 2068 bytesMar 16 14:50:54.073 CSA: Creating csa for rb: 1Buffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesReturning 2048Buffer has room, reading 2068 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesReturning 2048Buffer has room, reading 2068 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytesBuffer has room, reading 188 bytes~~~~Mar 16 14:51:04.591 RINGBUF: Aborting block read!Mar 16 14:51:04.591 CSA: Removing csa for rb: 1Called cSascDvbDevice::SetCaDescrMar 16 14:51:13.970 CSA: Got command(1): O idx: 1 pid: 0 key: c925...86
    011/03/16 14:52:33 B7503280 c user2 (0100&00006A/1B7B/64:A682): found (426 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)2011/03/16 14:52:43 B7503280 c user2 (0100&00006A/1B7B/64:AD0B): found (424 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)2011/03/16 14:52:53 B7503280 c user2 (0100&00006A/1B7B/64:577C): found (424 ms) by canaldigitaal (of 1 avail 1)
    # ./szap-s2 -a 1 -r -c channels.conf NL1HDreading channels from file 'channels.conf'zapping to 8 'NL1HD':delivery DVB-S2, modulation QPSKsat 2, frequency 11856 MHz V, symbolrate 27500000, coderate 5/6, rolloff 0.35vpid 0x0205, apid 0x005a, sid 0x0024using '/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter1/demux0'status 1b | signal 05aa | snr 001b | ber 00000000 | unc fffffffe | FE_HAS_LOCK
    # mplayer  -vo vdpau /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0.TS file format detected.VIDEO MPEG2(pid=517) NO AUDIO!  NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: video_read_propertiesMPEG: FATAL: EOF while searching for sequence header.Video: Cannot read properties.No stream found.Exiting... (End of file)


  13. Voor de zekerheid de info mbt het afspelen:


    # ./szap-s2 -r -c channels.conf NL1HDreading channels from file 'channels.conf'zapping to 8 'NL1HD':delivery DVB-S2, modulation QPSKsat 2, frequency 11856 MHz V, symbolrate 27500000, coderate 5/6, rolloff 0.35vpid 0x0205, apid 0x005a, sid 0x0024using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'status 1b | signal 05aa | snr 001c | ber 00000000 | unc fffffffe | FE_HAS_LOCK


    # mplayer  -vo vdpau /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0.TS file format detected.


    # mplayer  -vo vdpau /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr1MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 © 2000-2009 MPlayer Teammplayer: could not connect to socketmplayer: No such file or directoryFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.Playing /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr1.File not found: '/dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr1'Failed to open /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr1.Exiting... (End of file)





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