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Gemini v2.90 DM7000


Aanbevolen berichten

Gemini v2.90:


Technical Infos:

* Enigma of: 03.05.2006

* GCC 3.4.4 Original CVS

* Web Interface: 5.9.7-Expert

* Busybox 1.01

* Tuxtxt V1.98


Function Buttons:

* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)

* 2x BLUE - BP -> Extras/Settings

* YELLOW - Quick-Button (can be configured via BP)

* RED - EPG list for active channel

* 2x RED - EPG style menu

* GREEN - subservices



* Own addon server via internet.

* AutoCam: Emu can be linked to channels/provider

* Cam settings: For example emu renaming,

multichannel patch switchable ( >=7000 )

* OSD: EMM- and ECM- Display switchable

* Downloading and installation of additional

features via Internet from Gemini server

* System Info: Many extra box infos (for example

harddisk-temperature or all Enigma-settings)

* Download of Gemini news in background

* JPEGs can be rotated and the EXIF tags can be

displayed ( >=7000 )

* Support for OGG/Vorbis

* Random function for MP3 and OGG

* Quick-Button-Menu: Many extra features for the

yellow button

* smbmount

* Support for CDROM/DVD, no matter if IDE or USB

port ( >=7000 )

* Record CIFS/NFS: Record to a CIFS or NFS mounted

harddisk (only working if there is no harddisk


mountpoint set to "/mnt/usb" and at least 3GB

disk space)

* Extra Menu: Settings for many extras like Inadyn,

HTTPD, EPG-Cache, swap-out of "/var" and many more

* Backup function

* Dreamnetcast: inclusive Shoutcast TOP(100)

* Backround pictures for Radio, MP3 and SCAN can be

choosen via Blue Panel

* Own scripts can be started via Blue Panel

* Calender including reminder

(can be changed via .../gemini_cal.conf)

* MVI's can be converted and tested

(from JPG, BMP, GIF or PNG)

* Bootlogo for 7020 can be changed via menu

* New font and libfribidi for arabian

* EPG for Dishnetwork

* 2 new root entries for music and pictures can be

created for the filemenu


* Create your own Satellites.xml

* Dreambox can be used as printserver

(BP->Extras/Settings->Printer (LPD), FAQ can be

found in the database

* Alarm clock with volume offset adjustable

playing your own WAV-files.

* Display of current channel stream

rates ( >=7000 )



* Dreamnetcast based on the new xml

* cifs-1.42b



* Attend CVS


Schnittstellen WebIF:

(figure = number of cam)

(figure = number of cam)


We'd like to thank everybody who paricipated in

the "Gemini suggestion" thread.

Unfortunatly many things can not be realized from

our side.

This images doesn't contain any keys or softcams.

Backups or other modified Images are not from us

and won't be supported!



If you don't install the Image in flash memory,

the flash image shouldn't be of a old version.

A swap file/partition (>= 16MB) should be present

if several processes running in backround.


Download via Database


Thanks a lot and have fun

Your Gemini-Team


Hier downloaden........

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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Geplaatste afbeeldingen

Net GEMINI V2.9 op mijn DREAMBOX DM7000 geflased, een upgrade van Hydra Phoenix. Alles werkt ok behalve dat mijn Canal Digitaal abbo niet wordt herkend c.q. heb geen beeld op de NL kanalen.


Hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat GEMINI mijn CD kaart herkent en dus beeld krijg voor de NL zenders?





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Hoe zijn jullie bevindingen over deze img?
Ik heb op IHAD gelezen dat er helaas geen 7020 versie komt..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Als je dat wilt weten dan installeer je hem toch gewoon.
Is er wel voor de 7020 maar (nog) niet voor de 7025.



Er is zoveel te vragen dat ik het tóch eerst zelf probeer uit te zoeken. Dat is ook verrekte leerzaam.


Mijn boxen zijn allemaal powered by PLi.

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