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Hoe newcamd 6.05 installaren


Aanbevolen berichten

Ik ben nieuw met de dreambox ben dus een leek.

Heb Gemini 2.5 al in de dreambox gekregen.

Nu wordt het allemaal wat waziger.

Kan iemand mij uitleggen hoe Newcamd moet worden geinstalleerd op de dreambox? <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/lezen.gif" alt="" />

Is er een bepaalde tool waarmee dit moet?

Settingslijst is ook gelukt met Dreamboxset.Nu wil ik graag mijn CD kaartje aan de gang krijgen zodat er ook werkelijk nederlandse zenders zichtbaar worden. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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gemini - als ik me niet vergis moet je op de blauwe knop drukken, en naar het emu-download panel gaan, en daar newcamd/cardserver of newcamd/newcs aanduiden. deze wordt vervolgens van het internet gehaald en geïnstalleerd. Vervolgens terug op de blauwe knop, en newcamd aanduiden als aktieve emulator. Kaartje erin, chip naar onder, en als alles goed gaat dan moet je beeld hebben. Zoniet moet je de configuratiebestanden nakijken van newcamd en cardserver/newcs. Gebruik hiervoor de zoekfunctie, is al honderden keren vermeld in dit forum.

DreamBox 8000+Xtrend ET10000+Gigablue UHD 4K, openPLi, CCcam, CD+TVV kaarten (gene zever), wavefrontier T90, EMP Centauri 33/12 multiswitch en VEEL te weinig slaap.

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Alles inderdaad kunnen downloaden en installeren via Blue panel. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

De dream 7020 blijft zwart op bvn wel gewoon beeld.

Maar nu hoe gaat het dan verder want ik kan een cd kaart erin stoppen maar geen beeld. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Wanneer ik bij de camsettings dit verander in Newcamd- cardserver 6.05 en opsla gebeurt er niets als ik daarna weer kijk staat hij weer gewoon op common interface.

Ook na een restart of ontvanger met schakelaar uitzetten heeft geen resultaat.


Ik ben nog steeds een leek.

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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Kloppen de directory's wel?


De oude newcamd had zijn configuratiebestanden in



Bij 6.04 en hoger is het path:




Dus als je de bestanden als oude situatie blijft gebruiken gebeurt er niks.


Gr Decman

Dreambox DM7000S, Echostar 2200 2CI, Skystar 2.

Schotels: Triax 88 CM + DiSEqC Stab HH100 Rotor, Fixed Triax 66 CM.

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Hier staan mijn bestanden in.


Ben al wat wijzer dat je de cfg en conf file dient te bewerken.Dit net gedaan maar geen resultaat.

dus zal wel een paar fouten gemaakt hebben.



Ben nog steeds een leek.

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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Newcam.conf ziet er zo uit:


# /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd/newcamd.conf


# newcamd mandatory settings


# Use emulator?

EMU = yes

# if both control word server and emulator keys are available for the

# channel, which method should be tried first?


# Autoupdate for Emu and Control Word Servers

# AU is always yes if there are betad UDS control word server

# connected to newcamd

AU = yes




# number of seconds to show the newcamd OSD, works on enigma only

# 0 seconds -> OSD off


# Recent Enigma versions come with a new option "Use http authentication"

# in the Expert Setup menu. If this option is enabled, the Enigma web server

# requires all clients to authorize themselves with username (root) and

# password (usually dbox2 or dreambox). The following option tells newcamd

# about the authentication username and password to use for the web server

# in order to be able to display its on screen information.

OSD_WEB_LOGIN = root:dreambox


# newcamd debug options


# dumps all ca systems used by a channel on the console


# print debug messages about ECM handling


# print debug messages about EMM handling


# print debug messages about Control Word Server (CWS)


# print debug messages about dbox2 CAM (cam-alpha.bin)


# hex dump of entire PAT


# hex dump of entire PMT


# hex dump of entire ECM


# hex dump of entire CAT


# hex dump of entire EMM (AU)


# show network ECM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers


# show network EMM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers


# hex dump of EMMs with wrong signature



# newcamd optional settings


# Delay between reception of new control word and writing them into

# the CSA registers

# this is a default, can be changed for each individual key in keylist


# reload config on every channel zap


# reload keylist on every channel zap


# write osd ca info to file

CA_INFO_FILE = /tmp/cainfo.txt


# newcamd mandatory settings for control word servers (cws)


# Cardserver list


# <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <14 byte triple-des key in hex> <lan/wan> <cardserver name>


# wan connections will be dropped and rebuild if newcamd is told so by camdcmd

# (see admin options)


# hostname = uds to use betad, port is the serial port in that case


# CWS = uds 1 dummy dummy

# CWS = 10000 dummy2 dummy2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv

# CWS = 10000 dummy3 dummy3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv

CWS = uds 0 local local

CWS = localhost 10001 root Dreambox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv


# newcamd optional settings for using control word servers (cws)


# Timeout for cardserver login in 100ms


# Port to listen for incoming cardserver connections (reverse login)

# and/or admin connections


# Port to get a list of all connected cardservers, just telnet to it


# send keep alive messages to servers to keep connections from dying by

# unreasonable router NAT timeouts, make sure all cardservers/spiders you

# conntect to are v5.25 or newer, otherwise you'll loose connection to them,

# if set to yes

# seems this feature is commonly misunderstood, it only keeps connections

# open even if no data packets are using it for while (NAT routers tend to

# forget about established tcp connections when they are inactive), it is

# NOT to automatically reconnect to servers, see also Q&A in readme.txt



# newcamd admin control options

# (incoming port is the same as CWS_INCOMING_PORT)


# <password> <14 byte des key>


ADMIN_PASSWORD = test 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



En cardserv.cfg zo:



# /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd/cardserv.cfg


# The new cardserver can run several cards at once. It detects cards being

# inserted and removed from configured card readers. Every card uses its

# own TCP port to listen for incoming client connections. Card readers, that

# are configured, but where no card is inserted, will not be initialized.

# Supported are both serial ports of dbox2 (SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1), Dreambox

# cardreaders (SERIAL_PORT = 0 (upper), SERIAL_PORT = 1 (lower)) and the

# Dreambox's serial port (SERIAL_PORT = 2). Supported CA systems are Seca,

# Viaccess, Irdeto, Viasat-NDS, Conax, Cryptoworks and Nagra1. Irdeto cards (or

# some of them) probably won't work in the Dreambox cardreaders, due to driver

# issues. In fact, the only Irdeto cards, that were successfully tested in

# Dreambox cardreaders, are the new Premiere cards and I2 cards. Premiere cards

# will ONLY work with betad (no sharing allowed for Premiere). Betad is a small

# subset of cardserver, using Unix Domain Sockets to communicate with newcamd.

# Also betad will only understand a very small subset of the options described

# here. Each instance of betad will only be able to serve exactly one card,

# while one instance of cardserver can serve multiple cards at the same time.

# Therefore betad is not able to handle the sc8in1. Betad configuration file is

# called betad.cfg. There is no special manual for betad.cfg, we everyone will

# be able to figure out, which cardserv.cfg options, described below, will also

# work in betad.cfg and which won't.

# Configuration consists of global (all cards) and local (single card) options.

# betad.cfg will of course only have one local (single card) section. The

# global section is located at the beginning of the file before the first

# SERIAL_PORT option. The SERIAL_PORT option is a "divider" between the global

# and the local sections, it also is a divider between options for different

# cards. The SC8IN1_SLOT options is a similar divider, but it divides only

# between different cards in the sc8in1 cam and the first SC8IN1_SLOT options

# has to preceeded by a SERIAL_PORT option. Some options may appear in the

# global as well as in local sections, in the case the option in the global

# section is a default for all cards, that don't have the same option in their

# particular local section. Options that appear in an incorrect section will

# be rejected with a "parse error" and the cardserver won't start. Betad will

# also reject all cardserver options, that aren't necessary or allowed for its

# operation. betad will understand the following options, of used correctly:




# You can also start cardserver multiple times by specifying different cfg

# files in the command line. Use only the name of the cfg file, the path of the

# file is always fixed to /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd (dbox2, Dreambox) or

# /etc/newcamd (i386)


# (G) = global section only

# (L) = local section only

# (A) = all sections


# 14 byte des key for the connection (A)

# DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14


# id name of the cardserver (G)

# SERVER_NAME = cardserv


# debug port, lists all cards and their open connections (G)

# just telnet to it

# DEBUG_PORT = 12002


# entitlement port, lists entitlements of Seca, Conax and Cryptoworks cards

# just telnet to it



# optional admin options (G)

# port for incoming camdcmd connections

# password and 14 byte des key for admin connections

# ADMIN_PORT = 12004

# ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


# Userlist (A)

# there can be multiple users, user 1 always do AU for the card

# additional AU users can be defined by adding "au" at the end of the USER line

# keep in mind that your card number will be sent to all AU users

# global user preceed local users in terms of userid

# lan/wan/spider gives the type of connection

# lan = local area network

# wan = wide area network (those connections can be rebuild with camdcmd wanon)

# connections from cardspider to "wan" declared cards in cardserver are not

# possible

# spider = acts like wan, but allows connections from cardspider

# <username> <password> <lan/wan/spider> <newcamd hostname> <newcamd incoming cws port> (A)

# everything starting from <lan/wan> is optional (reverse login is optional)

# USER = dummy dummy lan dbox2 12000

# two examples for additional AU users

# USER = dummy2 dummy2 lan dbox2 12000 au

# USER = dummy3 dummy3 au



# max time to wait for a login at a newcamd client



# debug options (A) - show network and card init, ecm and emm packages


# DEBUG_NET = no

# DEBUG_ECM = no

# DEBUG_EMM = no


# Serial Port (Phoenix/Multicam) (Section divider)

# The first SERIAL_PORT options ends the global section

# On DM7000 SERIAL_PORT = 0 is the upper card slot,

# SERIAL_PORT = 1 is the lower card slot and 2 is the

# actual serial port.

# On DM500 SERIAL_PORT = 1 is the card slot, 2 is the

# serial port.

# All numbers SERIAL_PORT = 3 and higher on Dreambox will use /dev/usb/tts/X

# devices for Phoenix on USB-to-RS232 adapters. This feature depends on a

# driver for your particular SB->RS232 adapter being insmod into the kernel of

# your image, your particular USB->RS232 driver supporting RS232 handshaking

# signal generation and on the particular card used. Basically this feature

# should be considered unstable and for advanced users only. The BAUDRATE option

# is not available for SERIAL_PORT = 3 and higher on Dreambox and would be

# rejected with a parse error

# SERIAL_PORT = <no> begins a single card's local section



# Serial Port (sc8in1) (section devider)

# SERIAL_PORT = <no> sc8in1 begins a sc8in1 description

# SC8IN1_SLOT must follow immediately to start a local section

# SERIAL_PORT = 1 sc8in1


# sc8in1 slot (sc8in1 sub section divider)

# valid slots are 0-7, 0 being the left most connector on the sc8in1

# SC8IN1_SLOT = 1


# Parity - serial communication parameter for the smartcard (L)

# The default is on, which is correct for all cards except Irdeto

# This is for reading the ATR only, after the ATR has been recognized by

# cardserver, it automatically switches to the correct communication parameters

# Some Irdeto cards work with PARITY = on also, some need PARTIY = off, so just

# test it. Dreambox cardreaders don't need this option, so it will be rejected

# for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox

# PARITY = on



# different Phoenix readers sometimes use different serial lines to detect an

# inserted card, here you can specify, which line cardserver should use for a

# particular card. Possible values are CTS, DCD and DSR

# Default is CTS for sc8in1 and dbox2 serport 1, DCD otherwise

# Will be rejected for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox (internal cardreaders)



# Baudrate (L) (DBOX2/DREAMBOX versions ONLY!)

# Baudrate selection for the dbox2/Dreambox server. Allows to run 6 MHz with

# 3.579 MHz crystal and (theoretically) the other way around.

# Keep in mind, running anything but Irdeto cards at 6 MHz is overclocking!!!

# Irdeto card at 3.57 MHz: BAUDRATE = 5727

# other card at 6 MHz: BAUDRATE = 16128

# Default is 9622, which is correct for all except Irdeto cards at 3.579 MHz

# 3579545 Hz / 372 = 9622 bit/s (see iso 7816)

# This option will be rejected on I386 and on Dreambox ports other than


# BAUDRATE = 9622


# TCP port (L) - the port listening for connections for a particular card

# TCP_PORT = 2000


# EMM options - block EMM-U, EMM-G or EMM-S (A)

# EMM-G = no

# EMM-S = no

# EMM-U = no


# For iso cardreaders that close the card switch contact instead of opening it,

# when a card is inserted (L)

# Will be rejected for SERIAL_PORT = 0, 1 on Dreambox (internal cardreaders)



# Disable Pin (L) Seca only

# suppress all pin enter requests on Seca cards

# be very careful with this feature, if you have ordered PPV events or have

# prepaid Jetons on your card, if this is enabled, cardserver will use them

# up on any ppv event without ever asking



# Special features (only for some cards) (L)



# Exclude services - Some providers offer a PPV preview by allowing a card

# to decrypt a certain number of ECMs of each PPV event before it has to be

# bought. Sharing such a card with other people allows them to "steal" this

# PPV preview. With this option, you can tell cardserver to not ask the card

# to decrypt ECMs for certain services, except if user 1 (the EMM user) asks

# for them. Each blocked service has to be listed with its service id.

# A service id is a 16-bit number and has to be given in hex.

# camdcmd offers a possibility to change the list of blocked services without

# restarting cardserver (if for example you have bought a PPV event and now

# want to share it).


# Block single service (L)


# You can also block a range of service ids, the following blocks all services

# from 02be to 02c8



# Boxid (for Viasat-NDS cards only) (L)

# 10-digit serial number of the STB, your Viasat card is married to

# you find this serial number on your original Viasat STB in the following menu:

# Setup->Decoder information->STB Identifier

# take this number and remove the last digit

# take the first (left-most) 10 digits, omit the last (right-most) digit

# BOXID = 0000000000


# Boxkey (for Nagra1 cards only) (L)

# 8 byte des boxkey of your nagra smartcard. This boxkey is needed for proper

# use of your card, otherwise you'll get incorrect control words

# BOXKEY = 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88


# Example


DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

SERVER_NAME = cardserv

DEBUG_PORT = 14000


ADMIN_PORT = 14002

ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

USER = roo Dreambox lan localhost 12000

USER = spider spider lan 15003






#TCP_PORT = 10000


TCP_PORT = 10001

EMM-G = yes

EMM-S = yes

EMM-U = yes




Ik weet niet of iemand hier iets mee kan?

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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Ik heb nog geen Emu newcamd lopen daardoor werkt het ook niet kom ik achter.Zal dus eerst in Gemini 2.5 dit moeten installeren.kan iemand een hint geven hoe dit moet?



Ben nog steeds een leek op de dreambox 7020! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />




download and install


kies de newcamd versie DIE je wilt





meestal een shutdown en reboot

dan werkt de emu na



common interface ( pijltjes toets links rechts) naar newcamd


dat is alles




Nat King Cole


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Tonskidutch je hebt helemaal gelijk als ik nu zo goed ben om de kaart er op de goede manier in te proppen had ik allang beeld gehad!!!<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif" alt="" />Ik heb dus beeld!

Nu nog de k..s en de rest.


Nu kan ik met de Disecq verder.Ik gebruik een switch met 1.2disecq kan ik dit ergens aangeven of moet dit ook weer voor een plugin ??

VU Duo 4K se pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / ET 8000 pli 8.1 dvb-c + s / Vu+ Uno 4k se pli 8.1 

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