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OScam met zo min mogelijk opties installeren?


Aanbevolen berichten

Ik heb een Windows htpc waarop ik OScam draai.

OScam moet alleen noodzakelijke instellingen hebben, want er zit maar één kaartje in die door twee tuners gebruikt wordt.


Wat zouden jullie nog toevoegen en/of weghalen?

Ik wil die restrictie van maximaal 4 zenders erin zetten, want die twee tuners kunnen meerdere zenders opnemen die op dezelfde transponder zitten.



Zouden jullie newcamd als protocol gebruiken of voor iets anders kiezen?


Op dit moment: ACamd (newcamd) OScam.



Dit is wat ik tot nu toe heb:

logfile                       = d:\oscam\log\oscam.log
nice                          = -1


port                          = xxxx@0100:00006A
serverip                      =
key                           = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
keepalive                     = 1

httpport                      = xx
httphideidleclients           = 0
httpallowed                   =,

label                         = CanalDigitaal
description                   = CanalDigitaal
protocol                      = pcsc
device                        = 0
caid                          = 0100
detect                        = cd
ident                         = 0100:00006A
group                         = 1
# emmcache                      = 1,2,2,0
user                          = user
pwd                           = password
description                   = ACamd
hostname                      =
caid                          = 0100
au                            = CanalDigitaal
allowedprotocols              = newcamd
group                         = 1
ident                         = 0100:00006A

Unix starttime: 1472818535
Starttime:      02.09.2016 14:15:35
Version:        oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r11273
Compiler:       x86_64-pc-cygwin-libusb-pcsc
Box type:       generic (generic)
PID:            2664
TempDir:        /cygdrive/c/Windows/TEMP/_oscam
ConfigDir:      C:\Program Files (x86)\OScam\conf/
WebifPort:      xx
Web interface support:                   yes
LiveLog support:                         yes
jQuery support intern:                   yes
Touch interface support:                 yes
SSL support:                             no
DVB API support:                         yes
DVB API with AZBOX support:              no
DVB API with MCA support:                no
DVB API with COOLAPI support:            no
DVB API with COOLAPI2 support:           no
DVB API with STAPI support:              no
DVB API with STAPI5 support:             no
DVB API read-sdt charsets:               yes
Irdeto guessing:                         yes
Anti-cascading support:                  yes
Debug mode:                              yes
Monitor:                                 yes
Loadbalancing support:                   yes
Cache exchange support:                  yes
CW Cycle Check support:                  yes
LCD support:                             no
LED support:                             no
Clockfix with realtime clock:            yes
IPv6 support:                            no
camd 3.3x:                               no
camd 3.5 UDP:                            yes
camd 3.5 TCP:                            yes
newcamd:                                 yes
CCcam:                                   yes
CCcam share:                             yes
gbox:                                    yes
radegast:                                yes
scam:                                    yes
serial:                                  yes
constant CW:                             yes
Pandora:                                 yes
ghttp:                                   yes
Reader support:                          yes
Nagra:                                   yes
Irdeto:                                  yes
Conax:                                   yes
Cryptoworks:                             yes
Seca:                                    yes
Viaccess:                                yes
NDS Videoguard:                          yes
DRE Crypt:                               yes
TONGFANG:                                yes
Bulcrypt:                                yes
Griffin:                                 yes
DGCrypt:                                 yes
cardreader_phoenix:                      yes
cardreader_drecas:                       yes
cardreader_internal_azbox:               no
cardreader_internal_coolapi:             no
cardreader_internal_coolapi2:            no
cardreader_internal_sci:                 yes
cardreader_sc8in1:                       yes
cardreader_mp35:                         yes
cardreader_smargo:                       yes
cardreader_pcsc:                         yes
cardreader_smartreader:                  yes
cardreader_db2com:                       yes
cardreader_stapi:                        no
cardreader_stapi5:                       no
cardreader_stinger:                      yes


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