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kan iemand helpen om weer de kanalen van ziggo te zien op dm500c (hengelo , enschede) ,tot gisteren kon ik alles zien ,maar vandaag om 10:00 uur is alles weg 

en overal gezocht maar niks kon vinden ,en na scannen ook niks .?

graag een oplossing of een idee...?

alvast bedankt.....

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Vandaag in Hengelo de omzetting van Ziggo gebeurd, echter hij geeft een foutmelding bij de zenders: Afstemmen mislukt (SID not found in PAT)


Help, wat moet ik doen?

Probleem is opgelost, ik had er in de drukte niet aan gedacht om bouquets van de nieuwe gescande zenders te voorzien.

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jerpsx schreef op 28 Jan 2015 - 17:51: jerpsx


Hier zijn toevallig de frequenties geplaatst. Derde tot Vijfde cijfer is de frequentie die je invult.




Uit de eerste regel is frequentie 474. En zo verder...aardige klus, misschien handiger om te wachten tot iemand er een cables.xml van maakt  ;)




kun je een hele lijn of regel (frequentie in cables.xml ) compleet  maken en sturen  dan maak ik de rest op het zelfde ..?

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Ik vermoed dat bij jou nog de symbolrate op 68750 staat, dit moet worden 69000, 256-QAM


Hierbij de lijst met nieuwe Ziggo/UPC frequenties:

Transportstream-ID Frequentie Modulatie Symbol Rate 1536 :
Ziggo Network 18 474.0000 64-QAM 6.8750 Msymbol/s
601 570.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2049 858.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2050 842.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2051 818.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2052 810.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2053 802.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2054 162.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2055 170.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2056 322.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2057 330.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2058 338.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2059 346.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2060 786.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2061 354.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2062 370.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2063 378.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2064 826.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2066 522.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2067 138.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2068 146.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2069 778.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2070 490.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2071 722.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2073 546.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2074 466.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2076 578.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2097 154.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2098 386.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2099 394.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2100 450.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2101 458.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2102 498.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2103 698.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2106 586.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2107 770.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2112 362.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3002 562.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3003 554.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3004 834.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
5555 : Hengelo 18 474.0000 64-QAM 6.8750 Msymbol/s
2049 762.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2050 393.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2051 794.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2052 377.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2053 754.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2054 369.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2055 770.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2056 401.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2057 409.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2058 634.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2059 498.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2060 626.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2061 666.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2062 554.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2063 562.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2064 530.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2066 818.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2067 594.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2068 170.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2069 738.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2070 618.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2071 730.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2073 658.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2074 466.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2076 385.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2097 682.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2098 570.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2099 578.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2100 514.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2101 610.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2102 482.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2103 714.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2106 810.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2107 650.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2112 538.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3002 162.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3003 154.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3004 546.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
6666 : Hengelo B2B 18 474.0000 64-QAM 6.8750 Msymbol/s
601 602.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2049 762.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2050 393.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2051 794.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2052 377.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2053 754.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2054 369.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2055 770.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2056 401.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2057 409.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2058 634.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2059 498.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2060 626.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2061 666.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2062 554.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2063 562.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2064 530.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2066 818.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2067 594.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2068 170.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2069 738.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2070 618.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2071 730.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2073 658.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2074 466.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2076 385.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2097 682.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2098 570.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2099 578.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2100 514.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2101 610.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2102 482.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2103 714.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2106 810.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2107 650.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2112 538.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3002 162.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3003 154.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3004 546.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
43211 : Hengelo HZN 18 474.0000 64-QAM 6.8750 Msymbol/s
2049 762.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2050 393.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2051 794.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2052 377.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2053 754.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2054 369.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2055 770.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2056 401.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2057 409.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2058 634.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2059 498.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2060 626.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2061 666.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2062 554.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2063 562.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2064 530.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2066 818.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2067 594.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2068 170.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2069 738.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2070 618.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2071 730.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2073 658.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2074 466.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2076 385.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2097 682.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2098 570.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2099 578.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2100 514.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2101 610.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2102 482.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2103 714.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2106 810.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2107 650.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
2112 538.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3002 162.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3003 154.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
3004 546.0000 256-QAM 6.9000 Msymbol/s
aangepast door sattools

Mut@nt HD2400 met 1x sat en 3x cable met Ziggo, 1TB HDD op OpenPli 4.0 met Oscam.

Azbox HD Premium+ met 1x cable met Ziggo en 1x sat, 500 GB HDD op E2 met Oscam.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>


<cable name="Ziggo 47400 regio 05555" satfeed="true" flags="1">

<transponder frequency="474000000" symbol_rate="6875000" fec_inner="0" modulation="3"/>

<transponder frequency="162000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="409000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

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<transponder frequency="369000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="377000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="401000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="530000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="482000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="650000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="466000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="154000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="498000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="514000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="538000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="546000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="554000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="562000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

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<transponder frequency="618000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="626000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="634000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="658000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="666000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="682000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="730000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="754000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="714000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="738000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="762000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="770000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="802000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="810000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="818000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>

<transponder frequency="794000000" symbol_rate="6900000" fec_inner="0" modulation="5"/>





deze zijn de frequenties van ziggo 5555 ,gewoon kopiëren en plakken  in de cables.xml.en zoeken dan krijg je alle kanalen..

getest met dreambox 500c ....

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